Happy Sunday! Wild that it is already the last weekend of February, right? I’m excited about getting closer to spring and some nicer weather. What about you? What is bringing you joy lately?
Let’s dive in:
Find happiness in the journey and not just the finish line. I know we all have big goals that we want to achieve and feel like we might be behind, etc. but it is good to be happy where we’re currently at. Our past self dreamed of this.
Advice is great and all, but it isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. What works for you, works for you. Find your rhythm and stick to that.
One day at a time. Overwhelm usually shows up for me when I am thinking too far into the future and all of the things I need to do instead of just focusing on the now and what needs to get done today. As much as we might like to plan, we can’t tell the future. Be in the present.
Being vulnerable is a superpower and something that I believe connects us all on such a deeper level. Be open about what you’re going through, there is support out there.
Lead with kindness always. People are going through a lot and a simple thank you, check-in, etc. goes a long way. When you pay kindness forward, it becomes contagious energy where others spread it too.
What’s one thing that you’re proud of yourself for lately? Sometimes just reflecting on this question helps me do a little mental reset and remind myself that I am doing good! Be proud of what you’re doing and who you are.
Pictured here is Euflora’s display in a store here in San Diego. So excited to see the growth of this company and just proud of Celeste and Clarisse for all of the amazing things that they’re doing.
Thank you so much for spending a part of your Sunday with me. I hope that you have a great rest of your day and see you next week :)
P.S. If you’re a fan of these Sunday Thoughts, hit reply and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
Love getting your Sunday emails! And reading this one was especially emotional for me... particularly the tips. Number 3 in particular. I constantly tell myself, "One day at a time." It's been a buusssssyy and eventful few weeks, and this last week was just a lot, so I'm trying to take moments to breathe and just get through things day-by-day.
Hope you're doing well Max, and the Euflora display looks AMAZING! I'll need to check it out when I'm in San Diego next!
Congratulations to Celeste and you! Reading your newsletter on Sunday mornings brings me joy! Nice to see you are finding your rhythm and finding joy in the smaller moments. I have weeks where I am consistent and weeks where I am not. I'm learning to take it day by day, find joy in what is working, and build on it.